Steampunk Lincoln

Steampunk Lincoln
The man the defined a generation.


I've got friends in all the right places - I know what they want and I know they don't want me to stay-

(God, Verdana is so grating on the eyes.)

Im not exactly kosher on this whole thing - I'm not very adept at blogging in general. Hell, I'm still one of the rare breed that isn't on Twitter.

That being said, this blog could go anywhere in a heartbeat, and at times may be the sole outlet for the perilous rantings of this political outcast. Bear with me, those will be few and far between.

Cast those nets away, me hearties. It's looking to be a right course of fun ahead.

Until next time, keep your stick on the ice.

1 comment:

  1. keep your stick on the ice

    Ah. You watch Red Green, don't you?


The culmination of disgruntled teenage angst

The culmination of disgruntled teenage angst