Steampunk Lincoln

Steampunk Lincoln
The man the defined a generation.


Lesson 1: An Exercise in Futility

I hadnt realized that several cornerstones of 2009 had passed before I started to post again. 2010 has been off to an interesting start, and now that the presents have been unwrapped, the turkey and ham digested and noise makers long forgotten, its time to put a few things into perspective:

• I seem to have become simultaneously more and less tolerant, depending on various factors including the who, what, where, when, and general 'why.'

• Financially speaking, I guess I'm better off than I thought I was.

• Discovering one's backbone, even at the behest of friends, has been a welcome gift.

• I didn't seem to bother with any sort of generalized New Year's resolutions this time around, more or less I have been piggy-backing off of ones already set years previous. I never was the one to get caught up in the rush of forgotten promises.

• For the record, if one feels the need to wreck their vehicle, never decide to make a left turn into a parking lot on Fon Du Lac and Center Street. Wrong place to get into an accident.

• I am learning to appreciate the value of satire in an increasing fashion.

There's been other situations rearing their heads once in a while, though those make for a completely different story.

Until then kids, keep your stick on the ice. I'll be back in a while.

The culmination of disgruntled teenage angst

The culmination of disgruntled teenage angst